Through our science activities, children are encouraged to observe, explore, inquire, and solve
problems. Experiencing the joy of discovery is priceless.

Art encourages creativity and self-expression through various tactile and sensory media.
Art is a creative process that allows for choice, exploration, and imaginative expression.
Children’s receptive and expressive language is enhanced through the use of nursery
rhymes, poetry, finger plays, experience charts, discussion, and children’s literature.

Children learn through hands-on experiences (such as sorting, comparing, and ordering) that will
provide a foundation for understanding mathematical concepts. Children will develop skills in counting,
numeral recognition and sets, and the identification of shapes.

Camp Highlights
We are excited to welcome your children to camp and the Best Summer Ever! Our campers play hard, get messy, and laugh often. The experience your camper will have will be amazing, keeping with our tradition of offering a great quality summer experience.
We provide a safe place for youth to be themselves and enjoy trying new things and activities, along with making lifelong friendships. Camp teaches self-reliance, a love for nature and the outdoors, and the development of attitudes and practices that build good character and leadership.Camp fun includes arts & crafts, music, theme days, talent show, various sports, swimming and field trips.